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Read more about some of our state's lifesavers


Critical Care/Lifesaver Recognition Form  CLICK HERE


After coming back in from football practice Makayla Lawler was alerted to an incident in the gym (basketball workouts). An athlete collapsed and Makayla provided CPR and applied an AED that helped save the athlete’s life.


In August of 2021 Stacy B Davis was covering football workouts as usual when she took lifesaving action to an athlete who was slowly diminishing in response. He was sweating profusely and his breathing was becoming labored.  She decided to activate EMS and her quick actions and the care she provided helped save the athlete’s life.


During the Wake County Cheerleading Competition at Green Hope High School, a spectator began to feel ill. He left the gym and went into the hallway where he collapsed. Officer Brian L. Smith of the Cary Police Department witnessed the collapse and responded to the victim. He activated EMS and started performing chest compressions. Eric Hall, athletic trainer from Cary High School who was working the event, was summoned and assisted Officer Smith by applying the AED (automated external defibrillator). After the AED analyzed the patient, “no shock was advised” and moments later, the spectator regained consciousness and was transported to the local hospital. 


Stephen Borchik, UNCG, was present on Dec 30, 2021 when a male basketball player collapsed after the conclusion of conditioning.  While the SA initially was breathing and had a pulse, the situation quickly changed and Stephen activated our EAP with the assistance of our S&C coach, James Diaz.  While Stephen attached the AED and began CPR, Athletic Training Student, Kinley McKay arrived to assist.  Stephen performed multiple cycles of CPR (including shocks with the AED) to the SA who began breathing again on his own just prior to EMS taking over care.  He was transported to the ED shortly thereafter and was responsive to paramedics prior to being taken to the ambulance.  James and Kinley assisted by gathering the necessary equipment and supplies to aid in carrying out the EAP. The SA was released from the hospital 5 days later and has since returned to school.  While he will no longer play sports, he will remain an important part of the team. 


Morgan Krout and Frank Sanchez saved the life of Juliette Suh, a cross country runner for Jack Britt HS during a meet.  She collapsed near the finish line. They began chest compressions and activated EMS. The athlete was taken to hospital where she was placed on a ventilator and recovered. She went on to have a defibrillator implanted. Suh's mother credits Sanchez and Krout for saving her life.


On 3/2/21, Katie Hanes-Romano, a Wake Forest Baptist Health Athletic Trainer and the Head Athletic Trainer at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem, NC was leaving the athletic training room to get the golf cart and head to a WLAX game when she was summoned to the baseball field by two soccer players who stated that one of their teammates had passed out. As she began running towards the baseball field, another soccer player said that the player was unconscious and not breathing. The athlete was lying in centerfield of the baseball field and Head JV Soccer coach, Dylan Collier, was performing CPR. The athlete was unresponsive except for gurgling sounds. She asked if anyone had called 911 and two of the Varsity players were on the phone with EMS at that point. She checked his pulse and it was absent. She got the AED ready to use. She turned the AED on and applied the pads to his chest. She followed the instructions and stood clear while his rhythm was analyzed and a shock was advised. One shock was given from the AED, and she began compressions. Then EMS arrived and took over care. The athlete was placed on a stretcher, alert, and responsive and placed into the ambulance. He was transported to WFBH Brenner's Children's Hospital and was released.


Stephanie Jo Mansfield was covering last minute for a local private high school basketball game when a senior athlete became unresponsive. CPR was performed and an AED applied to resuscitate the athlete who was sitting up and asking questions by the time EMS arrived. He was transported to the hospital along with the AED which showed he had gone into atrial fibrillation before the shock was advised. A defibrillator was inserted a few days later.  



NCATA President Jim Bazluki and fellow Atrium AT Jade Witmer found themselves in an emergency situation during their work at the hospital. A few hours into the start of the shift they were alerted by security that a cardiac arrest was coming into the facility. The nurse stated they were on a skeleton staff and did not have the manpower to run a full code and requested assistance by someone who could help with CPR. They professionally joined the code team and supported the nurses and doctors, providing chest compressions and other vital aspects to help stabilize the patient. You never know when you can use your skills and help other professionals understand the value of athletic trainers in the healthcare team. 


Kevin Jones, Athletic Trainer who is hired through Pardee and normally works at AC Reynolds Middle School was reassigned to an Urgent Care facility to screen patients. While at work a patient collapsed in the waiting room, with no pulse and was non-responsive.


Quick life saving CPR and O2 administration, between the Physician Assistant and Kevin, resulted in a positive outcome for this patient. An example of regardless of what setting you are in, as an AT you must always be ready for an emergency.



Lindsey Braddock, Page High School Athletic Trainer, who works on the Page High Campus through Outreach of Murphy Wainer Orthopedic Specialist, identified and successfully treated a football player who suddenly fell unconscious. Her actions resulted in appropriate care and that help save the life of this young athlete. 


​Christopher Chapman, Head Athletic Trainer for Red Springs, managed a severe blow to the upper left quadrant of a football player’s abdomen that eventually resulted into a cardiac arrest. The well-orchestrated EAP and efforts of Christopher Chapman and team helped successfully resuscitated this football player.   


​Zac Schner, Head Athletic Trainer for a Professional Baseball Team, managed a frantic, pale, and nearly unconscious athlete in respiratory arrest as having an airway obstruction. His action of performing Heimlich maneuver successfully cleared the airway of the athlete.



Blake Wickerham, Assistant Athletic Trainer, and Rob Murphy, Associate Athletic Director and Director of Sports Medicine, both of North Carolina State University, identified and successfully treated a Men’s Soccer player suffering from an anaphylactic reaction following a team meal on campus. 


Emma Spisak, Head Athletic Trainer for Club Sports at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, managed a severe head injury in a rugby player presenting with extended seizures, loss of consciousness and vomiting.  The injury resulted in extended hospital stay and rehabilitation.  Her actions resulted in appropriate prehospital care, and well executed emergency action plan. 



Kelly Daniels from Perquimans High School in Elizabeth City for her management of a traumatic cervical spine injury
NCATA presented a one-time award for 2018 The Lifesaver of the Year Award.  It was presented to Emily Gaddy from Orange High School in Hillsborough for her management of 2 traumatic brain injuries resulting in hospitalizations  and continued advocacy for the management of concussions.  



Tyler Long of South Carolina State was awarded honorary NCATA Lifesaver Recognition for his actions during a cardiac arrest during the NC State basketball game. NC State ATs Austin Frank and John Garcia were also honored, as well as the leadership and actions of the entire NC State Sports Medicine Staff



Stephen Digh ATC of Tuscola HS and Jennifer Frey ATC of Pisgah HS worked together to revive the head soccer referee who had collapsed of an apparent heart attack.  MORE HERE  



Kim Chase ATC, Sally Mays ATC, Jake Mir ATC, Carly Natsis ATS of UNC-Chapel Hill,  UNC Volleyball medical staff successfully revived spectator who was in cardiac arrest using CPR and AED

Eric Hall ATC of Cary High School accurately identified and referred high school football player experiencing a Stroke.

Roslyn Hart ATC , Sara Woods ATC and Jordan Johnson  ATS of  Carolinas Healthcare System-Blue Ridge,  successfully resuscitated a man who went into cardiac arrest while playing tennis near the cross country event they were covering.

Brendon Jonsson ATC of Southeastern Healthcare and Jordan Jones ATS successfully identified, stabilized and referred a football player with a lacerated spleen. MORE HERE

John Lavender ATC & Ian Mushinski ATC of Winston Salem State University,  recognized, stabilized and assisted with the transport of a collegiate football player with multiple levels of neck fractures.  READ TWO ARTICLES:  1ST2ND 

Elizabeth Nottingham ATC of South Rowan High School successfully resuscitated a high school soccer player who collapsed due to cardiac arrest.

Brenda Paider of Catawba College utilized CPR and AED on a high school basketball player who collapsed due to cardiac arrest at a summer camp. MORE HERE

Heather Teague ATC of Providence Day School in Charlotte, NC revived a high school soccer player who collapsed due to cardiac arrest

Tracy Yoshikawa ATC of Eastern Carolina University successfully identified and treated a women’s soccer player with heat stroke and core temperature of 108. 



John Manor ATC  at UNC-Chapel Hill sports camp identified and referred a rare fracture of the 1st rib in a lacrosse player

Jennifer Lynch Caldwell ATC of Belmont Abby College successfully identified and referred a soccer player with an unknown bee sting allergy who ended up going into anaphylaxis.

Jana Webb ATC of Eastern Randolph and Jeff Guffrey ATC of Southern Guilford HS worked together to treat an unconscious football player during a game.



Bob Casmus ATC stabilized and referred a football player at Catawba College who sustained a fractured neck.

Eric Hall  ATC of Cary High School treated exertional heat illness in a football player with over 104 temperature, and advocated for EMS education of evidenced based heat protocol

Mary Sult ATC and Garrie Storie ATC Football ATs in Randolph County (NC) worked to successfully identify, stabilized, spineboard and transports a football player that had broken his neck.



Nina Walker ATC treated severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to peanuts on a bus in rural SC.



Eric Hall ATC, Brent Dorenkamp, ATC and Marc Mooney, ATC, successfully responded to a collapsed football player who went into cardiac arrest at Wakefield High School. MORE HERE

Doug Bennett ATC and Tim Mauntel ATC, Club athletic trainers at UNC- Chapel Hill, successfully revived an club team handball  member with and AED and CPR after going into cardiac arrest.



Jon Schner ATC of Greensboro Day School in NC. Successfully resuscitated an 8th grader that went into cardiac arrest during lunch time play in school.

Crystal Shirk ATC of Charles D Owen HS was able to assess, refer and identify a football player with exertional sickle cell trait.


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