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2020 NATM


2020 NCATA NATM Events


Color for a Cause

NCATA for the second year participated in a community outreach event at the Carolina Mall in Concord, NC. Participants colored a mural which was displayed with other local charities, each group was allowed to discuss their mission. After the event, the mural (which still needed to be finished) was brought to Central Cabarrus High School where a members students finished the mural and displayed it in their school for National Athletic Training Month.


Safe Space Sticker

Sticker was designed by Kevin King to be distributed to members for display after completing Safe Space or Inclusion training. This sticker highlights the valuable relationship that ATs have with their patients and is used to alert those that the AT has taken extra steps to be more inclusive in health care. The stickers were distributed during the safe space training at our state conference, and will be mailed to members who have taken courses on their own.


NCATA  vs Tennessee Athletic Training Society Fitness Challenge.

(March –April 2020)

Second year for the fitness challenge vs TATS. Members of the 2 associations participate in a friendly rivalry as members record ( via an app) the amount of time they spend running, walking, and biking. The winner gets a state specific snack for their conference. The competition was so fierce that it ended in a tie and needed to extended another month. Great way to show that self-care is healthcare!


Commissioned Art Work

NCATA commissioned a local artist Brent Baldwin a graphic designer and illustrator based out of Hendersonville, NC. The artwork depicts athletic trainers in various settings in action providing exceptional care. The design is a nod to old TV show Charlies Angel’s poster where the actresses are in action poses, as the AT are showing ATs in action “poses”.

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